WHO Full Cock Up Hand Splint [Stroke Patients]t maintains a functional position of the hand & wrist & keeps the wrist & fingers in extension that is in a functional position.
Key Features
1. Helps in avoiding flexion contracture in stroke patients.
2. Used in Radial Nerve Palsy as a static splint For Spastic Hand/Rheumatic Arthritic Disease.
3. It holds the wrist and MP joints [Large Knuckles] of the fingers straight to reduce stress on muscles & tendons, making it a great night splint for arthritis sufferers.
4. Flexible padded stays protect the fingers to lessen the damaging effects of arthritis and certain neurological impairments.
5. The wrist & the metacarpal joints are supported in a neutral position.
6. Suitable for skin contact & doesn’t absorb perspiration.
7. It doesn’t support micro-organism growth.
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